Sunday, June 7, 2020

How To Stay Motivated.

Whenever you are attempting to do something which is new to you or something which is outside your comfort zone staying motivated can be difficult but it is crucial to your success.

No less so when you’re attempting to lose weight.

Weight loss motivation, however, isn’t always as easy as looking at that picture of the overweight you which you stuck on the back of the toilet door at the beginning of your journey.

Staying motivated or even getting the motivation to lose weight in the first place, for someone who has spent their adult years avoiding any and all exercise can be very difficult.

How You Can Lose That Weight AND Keep It Off. 
Kindle Edition. 

Let’s face it, if going to the gym or jogging every evening isn’t your thing then you won’t be able to get excited about it and after a short period you may begin to wonder if all the effort is really worth it.

While starting an exercise programme is easy enough sticking to it isn’t so easy and the key here is to determine, right at the start, that, come hell or high water you won’t give up.

Perseverance is the key, make a commitment to yourself  and determine that you will stick to it just as if you had made a commitment to your significant other, you wouldn’t want to let them down so don’t let yourself down.

Bear in mind that exercise alone won’t get you to your ultimate goal weight but it is a very important part of the process, you don’t want to lose 20% of your body weight only to find that what’s left is just loose skin and flab!

Having a solid goal helps here and that goal should be something that you can believe you can do, there’s no point in setting yourself to lose 5 kilos each week because it’s unlikely to happen and you’ll get discouraged and probably give up altogether.

The key to goal setting, whether you’re losing weight or doing anything else that requires a goal is to make that goal one which is both believable and, in your mind, achievable.

These short term goals are important but they’re only half of the picture you must have a longer term goal as well.

If, for example, your weekly goal is to lose 1 kilo each week your longer term goal might be to lose 20 kilos in the next six months.

Keeping a diary and recording your journey, what you did this week, what you ate, how much exercise you got and, of course, how much weight you lost will provide you with an extra boost of motivation when you’re tired and fed up with it all.

You’ll be able to read your diary entries and see just how well you’re doing, that should give you enough encouragement to get over “the hump”.

“The hump” is something, by the way, which everyone who has ever had to work or even struggle to achieve something important has to get over.

It comes generally about a quarter to a third of the way through the journey and presents itself as an almost overwhelming desire to give up and settle for the status quo.

If you have your diary to look back on, to see how far you’ve come, it provides wonderful encouragement for the next few steps.

You might also consider joining a social group that engages in some form of exercise, you might join a rock and roll dance class, learn belly dancing, play social golf, join the local bush walking group, the opportunities are endless and you’re sure to find something you enjoy which will keep you committed.

One last thing on the subject of staying motivated, it is really important to celebrate your successes be they large or small.

Reward yourself for losing that one kilo each week, perhaps, at the end of the month do something special which you really enjoy, buy yourself a new “something” go somewhere special, whatever, but do reward yourself [just don’t go to the ice cream parlour and undo all the good work].

Losing weight is a journey and sometimes it’s a difficult one, it involves diet and exercise and almost all of the obstacles you’ll face on your journey are in your mind, find a way to stay motivated that works for you, don’t ever give up, you’ll find that as you travel your mind will be transformed into something special and your body will be transformed into something beautiful.



PS There are a lot of people offering to tell us how we can lose weight with little or no effort but if those opportunities existed everyone would be at their ideal weight, there would be no obesity in the world.

The truth is if we want to lose weight we have to be prepared to change the way we live our lives, we have to change our diet and start to get a little active.

Not everyone has the cash to invest in expensive diet regimes but these days many of us have the time, especially those who have been affected by the latest developments with the Coronavirus restrictions now in place in many countries.

If you're reading this and you've been trying to slim down there are 30+ different options here to help us achieve that beautiful body we all deserve.

Just push the button, that will cost you nothing, and you may just find the help and motivation you need to finally shed those excess kilos and get your beautiful beach body back again.......

Do it,
