Friday, May 3, 2019

5 Easy Diet Tips To Lose Weight During Winter.

Weight loss: 

A few simple yet important dietary tips when followed consistently could not only help you cut the bulge but also make you feel more energetic.

How You Can Lose That Weight AND Keep It Off.
Kindle Edition.

Winter is here and so is the time when you feel lazy and hungry all the time!

As the weather gets cooler stepping outside for a brisk walk or even an indoor gym session needs more motivation than before.

You avoid going outside, you sweat less and eat differently, these are the three basic things to keep in mind for any healthy weight loss routine.

Let's face it, it does become difficult to lose weight during these months.

Our intake of water goes down too during winters, this causes dehydration and adds to the general state of lethargy.

Add all of this and you end up piling on more calories than you burn on a daily basis. Perfect recipe for weight gain!

So, is there a way to lose weight, and perhaps even maintain it, without having to really sweat it out?

Well, a few simple yet important dietary tips when followed consistently could not only help you cut the bulge but also make you feel more energetic.

5 Essential Diet Tips To Lose Weight During Winter.

1. Pick Everything Fresh.

Winter calls for lazy meals at home and most of us will opt for a 'healthy' bowl of packaged soup rather than making it fresh.

Any packaged or processed food will mean you are loading up on excessive salt, preservatives and sugar, all of which can cause us to gain weight.

Winter is a time when markets are full of fresh vegetables so stock up and plan ahead.

Use a variety of seasonal goodies to make healthy food that is prepared from the scratch.

2. Sip On Herbal Teas.

We generally feel less thirsty during cold days, which results in dehydration without us even realising.

Moreover, what we often read as 'hunger pangs' are actually signs that the body needs some water, not food.

A dehydrated body has a weak metabolic system so sip on warm water or warm herbal teas not just to soothe and re-hydrate your body but also keep you fuller for longer.

Green tea, black tea, chamomile tea and oolong tea are known to manage your appetite and further prevent you from overeating.

3. Eat A Low-Calorie Soup Before Your Meal.

According to a study conducted by the Penn State University, eating a low-calorie soup right before a meal could keep you from overeating, resulting in less calorie consumption.

The study was presented at the Experimental Biology Conference in Washington D.C.

The research shows that participants who ate soup before lunch reduced their total calorie intake by 20 percent as compared to those who didn't consume soup.

The study also mentioned that you should choose low-calorie, broth-based soups rather than high-calorie, cream-based soups that could only lead to weight gain.

4. Fill Up Your Plate With Protein.

Protein helps keep you fuller for long, thereby, preventing you from loading up on sugary, fattening stuff, especially during winter, also it helps stabilise blood sugar levels that could help lose weight efficiently.

5. Engage In Indoor Physical Activities.

It is not mandatory to always choose outdoor activities, instead you could choose interesting indoor exercises like yoga, dance, and Pilates, all of which you can enjoy during winter.

All you need to do is to drop your doona and take 20 minutes to stay fit and lose weight.

Losing weight can be hard, especially during winter, follow these simple tips and you can burn body fat, stay healthy and feel energetic all at the same time.

NOW ….. 5 Weekend Tips To Lose Weight.

While you may have used the weekend to relax and have fun till now, it may be time to put it to better use.

A few lifestyle changes in the way you spend your weekend can go a long way in helping you lose weight.

The year is almost halfway gone and now it is time to look back at the New Year resolutions you made, how many did you keep and how many didn't last even a week.

If losing weight was one of your resolutions, and you went to the gym for a week or stuck to a strict diet for a few days, don’t let that effort go in vain, it’s not too late to get back to your weight loss routine.

Get Moving.

Though the weekend is about relaxing and unwinding, don’t make it about just sitting or lying in bed all day, doing nothing.

There are definitely better, healthier ways to relax.

Play a sport with your family, or go for a run to pump yourself with energy.

Make sure you indulge in some activity that you would not find the time for in your regular schedule.


A whole week at work can be quite stressful and cause your health to suffer, if you’re not happy and calm mentally it will also reflect in your everyday activities.

Finding the time to meditate may not be so easy throughout the week, so the weekend is the time you can give your mind the break and peace it really requires.

Have A Cheat Day.

Everyone is allowed a cheat day in their diet and cheat days are in fact, important.

Since the weekend is all about listening to your heart and not your mind, indulge in whatever you feel is the best cheat meal for you but make sure you eat small portions for your cheat meal.

Sound Sleep.

The weekend is the time when we more often than not, take the liberty to oversleep.

As good as it feels while we do it, it really messes up our sleep schedule.

The idea is to wake up at the same time as regular days so that you sleep well that night, and the cycle is not disturbed.

A night of sound sleep is very important to reduce stress levels and keep you energetic to work out the next morning.

Don't Forget To Stay Hydrated.

Water plays a very important part of your weight loss process and it also keeps the skin healthy and glowing, reduces hair loss and keeps the body systems working well.

Make sure you drink enough water even through the weekend, especially if you are travelling or are out and about running some errands.

PS As always your comments are very welcome, just leave them below.