Sunday, May 12, 2019

My Top Ten Tips For Weight Loss.

Watch Your Diet.

About 70% of this whole weight-loss fiasco depends not only on how much you eat but on what and when you eat.

How You Can Lose That Weight AND Keep It Off.
Kindle Edition.

You should consider healthy food swaps, especially those that are higher in fibre and protein, and lower in calories.

Also get in lots of fruits, veggies and water, ditch the snacks, alcohol, and binge-eating.

Lift Weights.

Yes, women as well, don’t be afraid to lift, you won’t get bulky, instead, you’ll tone up those sexy lean muscles and keep the fat off!

Avoid Long Hours Of Cardio.

Cardio is great, but for 3–4 hours, 7 days a week?

NO! Not a great idea!

Cardio 2 or 3 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes is okay, and even better, is performing intense cardio circuits for shorter periods.


While you may increase resistance every other week, it’s advised to take the load off every now and again.

De-loading is essentially dropping from say 60 pounds to 20 pounds or performing body-weight variations.

Try to work a de-load routine into your overall yearly regimen so that you can give your body a break, and prepare for another series of resistance.

Take Time To Recover.

It’s tempting to work out every day, however, take a day or the weekend off so that you can recover properly and so that your efforts will be more productive.

Get Enough Rest.

Do try to get uninterrupted sleep for at least 7 hours a day.

This should help you combat stress since stress is an anti-weight-loss demon.

Enjoy Recreational Activities.

These are also great, and if you have kids, have their grandma watch them every now and then, or send them over to a play date, so you can get some ‘alone time’, or some time out with good friends.

Have Patience.

Don’t compare yourself or compete with anyone, especially the fitness models and gurus you see popping up everywhere.

You need to understand that these people do this for a living, they work at it night and day and have done so, often, for many years, comparing yourself to them is only setting yourself up for disappointment.

Find the line between motivating yourself and competition then make sure you don’t cross it.

Be Disciplined.

Make a plan and determine to follow through.

If you don’t master self-discipline, I’m sorry but you’re never going to lose weight.

Don’t be dependent on a friend or mentor, find your own strength from within, otherwise, the day your friend loses focus, you too will!

Finally, Stay Healthy, Mentally.

Don’t nurse bitterness against anyone.

Laugh more, forgive all the time, hang out, ditch that life-draining party, dump that annoying boy/girlfriend, keep visioned company, just be happy!

NOW ..

Following on from that here are some more tips to help you stay on track toward your weight loss goals.

In simple terms, weight loss = more calories expended that calories taken in so here are some easy ways to reduce your overall caloric intake:

        Reduce your meal portion size

        Fill your plate with more vegetables (majority)

        Think of meat as a garnish rather than the main meal

        Eat more lean meats e.g. Poultry and fish

        Eat less processed carbs such as white bread and replace them with whole grains

        Incorporate more fibre into your diet - it keeps you fuller for longer so you won’t feel the need to eat as often

        Drink a cup of water before each meal - it tricks your brain into thinking you’re fuller

        Drink at least 2 litresl of water daily - helps reduce bloating and aids in easy digestion

        Ask yourself - am i hungry or am i just bored?

·        Drink some water - if you’re still hungry, have a light snack or chew gum to keep your mouth occupied.

        Don’t eat two hours before bedtime - you need time to digest your meal properly

        Don’t skip meals! This makes you hungrier and you may gain weight more easily in the long run. It is not a sustainable weight loss method.

        Exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 times each week. If you can, do it the morning as you get it out of the way and it increases your metabolism so you can burn more calories throughout the day.

        Rather than boring cardio, try high intensity interval training - it’s shorter, harder, but burns more calories overall as you will find your metabolism increases afterwards.

Lastly, believe in yourself, you’re worth it.

PS Do you have a weight loss story to tell, please share it below, we'd all love to hear it,