Saturday, January 2, 2021

Eat Breakfast.

Why Breakfast Is So Important.

Many of us wake in the morning, head straight for that early fix with a cup or two of coffee, shower, get dressed for the day and then realise that we don’t have time to sit and eat breakfast.

We might grab a slice of toast and tell ourselves that’s all we need, after all we’re on a diet aren’t we and the less we eat the better.


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If this is you then you’re doing yourself much more harm than good.

There are a number of very good reasons to eat breakfast, particularly if you are a dieter. 

For a start, eating at the start of your day, regardless of what time that is, will speed up your metabolism and that is a critical factor in your effort to lose weight.

When you think about it, you generally eat dinner sometime early evening and if you wait to eat again until lunch the next day that’s often about 18 hours between food intakes.

That’s not good for you.

Also, by missing out on breakfast you may have a tendency to eat a bigger lunch than you should which doesn’t help in your efforts to lose weight.

There are any number of scientific studies to show that those who eat breakfast are in the great majority when it comes to losing weight.

It seems to go against logical thinking that in order to lose weight you should eat more food but that “logic” definitely does not apply when it comes to breakfast.

As an aside, and while it has little to do with losing weight, eating breakfast has been shown to aid concentration and improve your ability to focus which is a definite advantage for those who are studying or who have jobs that require a great deal of mental agility.

Having said all of the above, breakfast is not just something to put into your stomach at the start of the day.

The type of food you eat is also very important.

Your breakfast should preferably be primarily a high fibre meal or a meal which is full of protein and should contain plenty of vitamins and minerals to help you remain healthy right through the day.

Avoid sugary sweet things like most packaged breakfast cereals which many of us tend to add more sugar to anyway.

That type of breakfast will give you a short lift in your energy levels due to the sugar but will do you no good in the long run.

Another good reason to eat a healthy breakfast is that will lift your mood, something that is very important when it comes to dieting and losing weight.

It’s easy to get down when you’re dieting and anything which will help to overcome that without jeopardising your weight loss goal has to be a good thing.

Breakfast is the first meal decision of your day, if you make good choices at breakfast then you are much more likely to make good meal decisions for the rest of the day and while it is better to eat something rather that nothing you should be careful in the food choices you make at breakfast.

One thing that must be avoided is treating breakfast as an opportunity to over-indulge.
The thinking might be that if you eat a good breakfast you could skip other meals during the day and this is not a good idea.

For your body to be at its best it needs regular intakes of nourishment, healthy meals at reasonably regular intervals and depending on whose advice you follow this may mean three meals a day or it may mean five or six smaller meals.

Last but by no means least you must realise that eating breakfast is a habit and like any other habit, good or bad, it takes some time to get into it.

Persistence is the key here, eat something for breakfast every morning, if need be start with a small helping of something healthy, make sure you actually sit down and eat, don’t take breakfast on the run, if necessary write it into your schedule for the day and make sure you do it.

Start a good habit and after about a month it will be so ingrained into your thinking that you’ll just do it.



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