Thursday, January 14, 2021

Take Stock.

What Do We Mean By “Take Stock”?

We mean, take a good look at yourself, not in terms of your physical appearance, it doesn’t matter what you look like at the present time, but you need to assess, as best you can, your abilities, your talents, how you interact with others, your personal preferences and so on.

Once you’ve “taken stock” you’re ready to plan your weight loss programme.

How You Can Lose That Weight AND Keep It Off. 
Kindle Edition. 

With a little research you will be able to list on paper your regular activities, your goals and interests etc. and then work them into a diet and exercise programme that will work for you.

It isn’t easy to sit down and do a very honest evaluation of your current condition however it will be very beneficial, not only in terms of your weight loss goals but also with regard to your health in general.

You have to ask yourself some quite hard, searching questions and, this is important, you mustn’t “fudge” the answers, after all it’s your body and your life which will benefit from the changes which you’re about to make.

It’s a sobering fact that the second biggest reason behind avoidable deaths, not only in the U.S. but throughout almost the entire developed world, is obesity.

What this means for you of course is that your own evaluation of your own circumstances could possibly have life or death consequences, your life or death!

So take it seriously, be as honest as you can be, enlist the help of those who love you if you’re game and write it all down, a week or two down the track you may need to remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Too many diet plans take a “one size fits all” approach which may work for some people for a while but in the long run are doomed to failure, after all you’re unique, your diet plan needs to fit you and that’s why, after you’ve done your evaluation on yourself you would be well advised to contact a professional dietitian and have him or her draw up a diet plan designed specifically for you.

Take your personal inventory with you when you see your dietitian and discuss with him/her your weight loss goals, the areas where you feel you’re struggling, where you perhaps need a little more help, how you think you might improve etc..

Tell her/him how long you’ve been struggling with your weight, whether you seem to be constantly dieting and whether you have the tendency to regain your lost weight after a period of time.

Discuss with your dietitian what would be a realistic weight loss goal for you, generally if you lose about a kilo each week you’re doing well, too much more than that and you’re putting an unnecessary strain on yourself, both physically and mentally.

The physical condition of your other family members may also be relevant information which will help your dietitian when she/he is working with you to form a good diet plan.

Just as when you visit your medical practitioner you would tell them of any history in your family of things like heart attacks, diabetes, cancer etc. so you should inform your dietitian.

Do you suffer from a high level of cholesterol? 

Is your blood pressure stable and normal? 

Are you under any undue stress? 

Do you get sufficient regular exercise?

These are all legitimate questions which your dietitian may ask and you need to be prepared with the answers as far as possible.

Having done all of this with regard to your personal “taking stock” it’s important to understand that this has not been done to make you feel bad about yourself but rather to help you and those who will be helping you get a much better idea of where you are now with regard to your health and well-being and to plan a course of action to get you to where you want to be.

It’s also a good idea to do this exercise every once in a while, say perhaps two or three times a year, so that you can see the progress you’re making and perhaps re-evaluate your goals so that you might achieve even greater success with your diet and exercise program.

As I’ve said above, taking stock is an important part of your journey to a better, slimmer, fitter you, but having said all of that, “taking stock” is just the beginning, you must now ACT, because nothing will change if, at the end of the day you do nothing.


NOW, if you enjoyed this post and would like more from yours truly then you’re luck because I’ve got something else to share with you..

My very good friend John Shaw has allowed me to offer you a FREE copy of his book "Weight Loss Success" together with some of the best weight control help on the planet.

Now you can buy this book for about $40 on eBay or at Dymocks book store but he's giving you the opportunity to get it without cost, however you'll have to hurry, this is only going to be available for a limited time.

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